Re-Construction of the League

This update is brought to you by LSA Director Kellogg.

June 2024 - Start of Reconstruction

After the resignation of former SG Ciro, LoS Founder Fabian took the reigns in acting capacity until eventually former VSG Vert stepped up and took over at the end of May. It was then that reform started to take place; that meant there was going to be change in policy, department make-up, and dissolution of unused divisions. Through him, former World Assembly President Lind became Vice Secretary-General Lind, Former Admissions Director Creamy became Associate Secretary-General Creamy, former INADS Director-General Kellogg became Director Kellogg of the League Security Agency, and more. Everyone came together with ideas, ideas inspired by high hopes for League progress. The League of Servers did progress, although rather slowly, it did. It eventually came to a halt nearly a week after Vert (now known as Infinity), came into office, when he unfortunately ran into some troubles IRL that would force him to step down. After Infinity's resignation, Former VSG Lind became Secretary-General Lind, and despite public opinion, former VSG and [REDACTED] situation creator Buddy became Interim Vice-Secretary General, which meant that he is, as of now, soon to be replaced. 

In the League's current setting, an embargo against the League of Server's has been incurred by the United Realms and their leader, Vaeth. Among that, a notorious raiding clan, G.C.A.D., has been raiding servers and using a fraudulent server invite that indicates each server is being raided by the League. We acted swiftly, and quickly rooted out G.C.A.D. as the perpetrators and have revealed them accordingly. Thankfully, people are smart enough to know that the league aims to the safety and security of the league, our members, and the entirety of the mock-government community; quite the opposite of what G.C.A.D. represents.

What Happens Now?

As of now, we are approaching the future of the League of Servers with confidence, as we pull ourselves back together and move on from the challenging times we faced and are recovering from. If you are a current member of the League of Servers, just remember: we have your back. For server owners interested in integrating yourselves in the league, just know that we will welcome you with open arms. The league is gaining it's strength again, and we will be stronger than we have ever been. Keep your trust in the league, and we will never fail to support you. 

Remember: Peace Prevails, Always

My best regards, 

Jayne Kellogg         JayneKellogg

Director of the League Security Agency